- Português
- English
- Ação gratuita
- LISBOA, Hotel Dom Pedro e no Ministério das Finanças
- 30 de Outubro 2023 a 31 de Outubro 2023
Pretende expandir a sua atividade ou investir em países em desenvolvimento? - Participe num ou nos dois eventos e explore as oportunidades do mercado das multilaterais!
Esta é uma ocasião singular e que reúne em Lisboa especialistas de várias multilaterais, incluindo de organizações menos exploradas pelos agentes nacionais, e os principais stakeholders nacionais nesta área, promovida pelo Grupo de Trabalho das Multilaterais (AICEP e GPEARI).
30 de outubro - Fórum de Oportunidades de Negócio
Um dia inteiro dedicado às multilaterais, com Banco Mundial, BAfD, BERD, BAsD, BAII, CAF, CEB, BEI, BID e outros:
Várias sessões e workshops sobre oportunidades de negócio - Sustentabilidade, Ucrânia e Países Vizinhos, Governança/Assistência Técnica e Consultadoria a Governos, Infraestruturas Sustentáveis, Digital e Conetividade
Reuniões bilaterais com especialistas destas multilaterais (a agendar previamente)
Dirige-se a todos os interessados em saber mais sobre as oportunidades de negócio do mercado das multilaterais.
31 de outubro - Fórum de Investimento
Na manhã de 31, promove-se um fórum de diálogo direto, ao mais alto nível, entre representantes de Instituições Financeiras Internacionais (IFI) e entidade nacionais. Esta é a oportunidade para:
discutir desafios e oportunidades de investimento direto português nos países em desenvolvimento e emergentes
e, em particular, para identificar e prosseguir oportunidades concretas de (co)financiamento de investimentos
Dirige-se sobretudo a empresas e investidores, com presença significativa e ou projetos de investimento relevantes nos países em desenvolvimento e economias emergentes.
A participação nestas ações é gratuita mas de inscrição obrigatória (até 25 de outubro), através do preenchimento do formulário de inscrição online. Encontros Bilaterais requerem marcação prévia e estão sujeitos a confirmação (inscrições limitadas).
A Path to Sustainibility - Miguel Coelho, WBG
Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries – EBRD
Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries – CEB
Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries – EIB
Ukraine - DREAM Platform
Sustainable Infrastructure – CAF
Sustainable Infrastructure – IDB
Sustainable Infrastructure – AIIB
Sustainable Infrastructure – ADB
Experience of the field - COBA
Luis Rebelo de Sousa, Executive Board Member, AICEP
Special Guest Speaker: Miguel Castro Coelho, World Bank Group Alternate Executive Director for Italy, Portugal, Albania, Greece, Malta, San Marino, Timor Leste
Open discussion: Multilateral organizations responses
Support teams and resources for Portuguese companies
Multilaterals Working Group (AICEP and GPEARI-MF)
One-stop shop Global Gateway (AICEP and CAMÕES)
EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Inês Rocha, Managing Director for Impact and Partnerships
CEB – Council of Europe Development Bank - Valeriu Cosuleanu, Country Manager Portugal
EIB – European Investment Bank – João Fonseca Santos, Head of EIB Group Office in Portugal
Special Guest Speakers:
Embassy of Ukraine in Lisbon - Maryna Mykhailenko, Ukrainian Ambassador to Portugal
Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure of Ukraine / Regional Office for International Cooperation – TBC
EIB Global – Public Sector Operations – Isabel Costa, Senior Loan Officer, Responsible for Country Relations and Public Sector Lending in Southern Africa, Global Partners Department
Experience from the field (Portuguese Companies):
CESO - Helena Valente, Member of the Board
CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - Antonio Ramsés Morales Jiménez - Principal Executive. Lead Expert Wash and Irrigation
IDB - Inter-American Development Bank - Esther Rodriguez, Senior Operations Specialist Office of Outreach and Partnerships, Office in Europe
AIIB - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank - Operational Services Department - Guopin Yu, Senior Procurement Specialist, Operational Services Department
ADB - Asian Development Bank – Michiko Suga, Representative of ADB's European Representative Office in Frankfurt
Experience from the field (Portuguese Companies):
COBA – Alexandre Portugal, Board Director
WB - World Bank - Digital Development Practice – Isabel Neto - Digital Development Practice Manager for Eastern and Southern Africa
IDB - Inter-American Development Bank - Esther Rodriguez, Senior Operations Specialist Office of Outreach and Partnerships, Office in Europe
Experience from the field (Portuguese Companies):
QUIDGEST - Soledad González, International Procurement Consultant
Opening Remarks
Keynote speech – Secretary of State for Finance
How to mobilize investment and promote local partnerships: insights from investors, finance specialists and international institutions.
High level participants
Keynote: IFC - International Finance Corporation, World bank Group - Sérgio Pimenta, Regional Vice President for Africa
IFC – International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group – Sadia Sajjad, Regional Country Manager Western Europe
AfDB - African Development Bank - Sam Mugoya, Advisor to Vice President Private Sector, Infrastructure & Industrialization
EIB- European Investment Bank - Isabel Costa, Senior Loan Officer, Responsible for Country Relations and Public Sector Lending in Southern Africa, Global Partners Department
Millennium bcp - Américo Carola, Head of Millennium investment banking
Navigator Company – João Lé, Executive Director
GPEARI – Rosa Caetano, Deputy Director-General (Moderator)
Coffee break
Keynote: Economic diplomacy, investment and the internationalization process of the Portuguese economy – Minister of Economy and Maritime Affairs
African Development Bank Group Lusophone Compact (Compacto Lusófono) – Sam Mugoya, Advisor to Vice President Private Sector, Infrastructure & Industrialization
Pró-Capital - Public Financial institution – Cabo Verde, Eugénio Moeda, Chairman
ADP Internacional - António Ventura Executive Vice-President
Camões IP – Ana Paula Fernandes, President of the Board of Directors (Moderator)
Closing Remarks – Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation